Natural Risks

Initiatives concerning the defence of the territiory and the prevention of hydrogeological risks.

Attività rischi naturali

Whoever lives or spends time in the mountains knows only too well the beauty and fascination of the surrounding environment. It is not unusual, though,  to have to contend with the hidden dangers of the mountains: avalanches, landslides, floods, all occurances that can eventuate in the course of a year.

Having compared the different reasons for an increase in such phenomena, the partners of the alpine region (regional administrations, universities, research bodies, etc.) have been collaborating for several years on these themes with the intention of coordinating research, connecting their policy on such themes and improving their intervention and prevention strategy in terms of efficiency.

The Interreg community Initiative has certainly supported this collaboration with regard to both organic and research operations as well as defining a common protocol and going on-line.

In this context, the Safe Mountain Foundation (Fondazione Montagna sicura) with its executive seat in Villa Cameron at Courmayeur, in close connection and synergy with the Regional Committee for Lands, the Environment and Public Works provides operational support and hosts a centre specifically qualified for research, meetings and exchanges in the management of matters correlated to prevention of hydrogeological instability.